Page 19 - Petron Plus Formula 7 - Verified Testimonials
P. 19


                                            ►   LUBRICATION OF THE RADAR ANTENNA PEDESTAL
                                         ►   OVERHAUL EVERY FIVE (5) YEARS
                                         ►   LUBRICATION OF COOLING SYSTEM PUMPS
                                         ►   LUBRICATION FOR HOT WATER HEATING SYSTEM PUMP
                                         ►   RELIABILITY IS TOP PRIORITY FOR THIS SYSTEM


                      CUSTOMER  &  TEST PROFILE

                The  National Airspace  System,  that being the  acquisition
                and processing  of  Radar information,  Communication &
                Telecommunications services for the En-Route surveillance
                system.  These services enable our Air Traffic Control or-
                ganization  to monitor &  control  all cross  country flights
                and maintain proper aircraft separation.

                      CUSTOMER TESTS & RESULTS

                They started using the Petron Plus Hi-Temp Lithium Com-
                plex Grease several years ago to lubricate the antenna ped-
                estal for our long range radar which must operate 24 hours
                per day, 7 days per week.  Since using this grease we have
                experienced less  wear,  and  reduced friction significantly.
                We used to overhaul the pedestal every 5 years, but it looks
                like we will be able to extend this from 8 to 10 years now.  It
                enabled us to reduce the frequency of greasing buy 75%.

                They have used both the Petron Plus Lithium Complex and
                Polyurea Grease  to lubricate several  10 to  20  gallon per
                minute liquid circulating pumps which are used in the cool-
                ant  system of the  radar.   These have  always  been a very
                maintenance intensive  item.   Since switching  to these
                greases we decreased our  repair  requirements  on them            ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
                from every 2 months to every 9 months, plus we have re-
                duced the frequency of greasing by 75%.  They also use a   The En Route Communications Gateway (ECG) is a mis-
                similar set of pumps for their hot water heating system and   sion-critical  interface for surveillance  and  flight  data. It
                have  been able to  reduce  the frequency of greasing  from   provides the portal for the transfer of aircraft flight plan
                                                                          and surveillance data to other  En Route systems  – both
                weekly to monthly with no undesirable results.            legacy systems and critical Next Generation Air Transpor-

                As for the Petron Plus Industrial Super Lube, it has been   tation System (NextGen) technology, such as the En Route
                                                                          Automation  Modernization (ERAM) program  and Auto-
                used in so many applications  that it is difficult to specify   matic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B), while
                one outstanding use over another, other than to say, it is a   providing added network communications. The ECG  sys-
                great product and we have solved some very difficult lubri-  tem is modular in design, and system capacity can be incre-
                cation problems with it.                                  mentally increased as air transportation demands change.

                                         PETRON PLUS  GLOBAL, INC.
                P.O. BOX 1906  HUTCHINSON, KS 67504 USA,   620/663-1800 Phone,  620/663-8560 Fax,                                                                                              
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