Page 22 - Petron Plus Formula 7 - Verified Testimonials
P. 22


                                            ►   PETRON PLUS FORMULA 7 METALPRO ALPHA HAS BEEN
                                         ►   PETRON PLUS FORMULA 7 INDUSTRIAL SUPER LUBE
                                                TESTS ARE CONTINUEING


                      CUSTOMER  &  TEST PROFILE

                Test were conducted on Petron Plus Formula 7 MetalForm
                2000, so that the product could be used in the British Aero-
                space (BAe) Commercial Aircraft Division.

                     CUSTOMER  TESTS &  REPORTS

                They Reported:
                Ref: Use of Petron Plus Formula 7 MetalForm 2000.

                Our test program is now complete and this product is now
                cleared for use.  An order has been placed for a quantity of
                this product, and further shop trials will take place.

                Further tests  on Petron Plus  Formula 7  Industrial  Super   In addition  to Airbus Industrie, other  notable
                Lube will continue.                                       BAe-involved   ventures  include   Eurofighter
                                                                          Jagdflugzeug  GmbH, which  is 33  percent owned
                British Aerospace plc (BAe) is the largest defense contrac-  by BAe and is developing the next-generation Eu-
                tor in  Europe,  as  well  as being a leading  aerospace com-  rofighter  2000  military aircraft;  Euromissile Dy-
                pany. The company's  defense  operations include  military   namics  Group, which is developing  the Trigat
                aircraft,  missiles,  small arms and  ammunition, warships,   third-generation antitank missile and is owned by
                and combat command systems. In aerospace, BAe holds a     three equal  partners:  BAe,  Aérospatiale S.A. of
                20  percent interest in  Airbus  Industries,  the  European   France, and Daimler-Benz Aerospace AG (DASA)
                plane-making consortium,  provides a variety of  services,   of Germany; Matra-BAe Dynamics, which is 50-50
                and makes various equipment. The largest exporter in the   owned by BAe  and Lagardère  Groupe  SCA  of
                United Kingdom, BAe generates more than 80 percent of its   France  and specializes in  guided missile  systems;
                revenues overseas. In addition to its defense and aerospace   Panavia Aircraft  GmbH,  a three-nation  consor-
                operations, British Aerospace also has a property develop-  tium, 42.5 percent owned by BAe, which produces
                ment unit called Arlington Securities plc, which is a leading   the  Tornado  military aircraft; and Saab-BAe
                developer of business parks in the United Kingdom.        Gripen AB, which makes the Gripen combat air-
                                                                          craft  and  is  50-50 owned by BAe  and Saab Air-
                                                                          craft AB of Sweden. British Aerospace also holds a
                Many of  BAe's activities  are conducted  through  interna-  35  percent  stake  in  Saab AB,  the parent of  Saab
                tional joint ventures and consortia, with more than 30 part-  Aircraft.
                ners linked to the company.

                                         PETRON PLUS  GLOBAL, INC.
                P.O. BOX 1906  HUTCHINSON, KS 67504 USA,   620/663-1800 Phone,  620/663-8560 Fax,                                                                                              
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